Facts about African Tribal tattoo Design

1. There are some African tribal tattoo designs that are drawn to give the wearer protection from dangers. The pattern usually depicts an image that is expected to guard the person from harms throughout life.
2. African tribal scarring did not originate just as body decoration art form. They were drawn so that the wearer can take on a supernatural state, representing qualities that supersede human abilities.
3. The origin of African tribal scarring/tattooing body work dates back to 2000BC. The first few revelations depicted images of Egyptian High Priestesses with tattooed arms.
4. There is a specific African tribal scarring called cicatrisation. It is done by people with too dark skin tone for regular tattoo coloration to appear.
Tribal Tattoo- An Appealing Body Art
Tribal tattoo designs have always been an integral part of the tattoo world. A unisex pattern, tribal tattoo art is derived from different tribal regions.
Tribal tattoo designs are undoubtedly the most popular tattoo patterns that have been in existence since ages. Refined and modified over the years, these tattoo patterns are hot favorites of scores of tattoo enthusiasts. Derived from the tribal art and traditions of different tribal regions, the tribal tattoos generally depict abstract or complex patterns that look very fascinating.
Types of Tribal Tattoos

There are several tribal tattoo designs that have been popular since ages. Some of the tribal tattoos that are classified on the basis of their tribal origin are enumerated below:
Celtic Tattoos
These Celtic designs are the most popular tribal tattoos that owe their credit to the Celtic art. The design comprises several knots or loops with no starting and ending point. It is associated with the never ending cycle of death and rebirth. Animal tattoo designs like were dragon, lion etc were prevalent in the Celtic tribes.
Maoris tribal Tattoos
These tattoos owe their origin to Maoris tribe of New Zealand. The designs were used to depict ones prestige or pride and also the transition from one social status to one another.
North American Tribal Art
Among the North American tribes, the tribal tattoos denoted rank within the tribe. Different types of weapons were tattooed on their skin.
Borneo Tribal Art
Tattooing had a completely different concept for the Borneo tribes. According to them, they could actually draw energy from the spirits of the tattooed image or creature because they believed that spirits are present in everything surrounding them.
There are some other tribal tattoo arts like Samoa Tribal art and African Tribal art that do not use pigments for tattooing. Instead in these art forms the skin was carved or cut with a sharp object and the wound created was the tattoo design.
Butt Cheek Buddy

But whatever you do...Don't get his face tattooed on your butt cheek!
How will he ever explain this to his future wife and kids...Awkward!
Nice Arm Tattoo Ideas With Butterfly Tattoo Designs With Image Arm Butterfly Tattoo Gallery
What Are Popular Tribal Tattoos
Popular Tribal Tattoos

Taking the time to understand the culture and history of a tribal tattoo, shows a level of respect to a civilisation that has long passed. Although, that being said we no longer look at a person's tattoos to establish their success as a hunter. Nevertheless, it is important that the original inspiration remains.
Hardest Body Parts to Tattoo and Why

How to Get a Tattoo off Your Body
Vanish methods:
Disappeared is the latest development in removing tattoos. This method usually involves a series of face cream / is absorbed into the skin friction. The series, used in combination, leading to decomposition of the ink, which in the human body, and then dispose of the components. This procedure is basically speed up the body get rid of foreign bodies of your body's natural processes, in which case it is ink. Over time the tattoo becomes lighter and lighter, so tattoo "fades away."
This is probably the cheapest and most painful removal method. This is the only way there is no risk of scarring. However, it does require some patience. Results do not see overnight
Surgical methods:
How to effectively remove the technology depends on the size, location, tattoo, color and ink type of use of the age.
Also aware of possible side effects - scarring and pain
These are:
This removal method involves laser or intense pulsed light treatment of multiple types of use. Which type of all the tattoo ink colors may be. Laser has increased in the past few years. It has taken two years, the average removal of tattoos, and even the whole process is not fully guaranteed. Although modern lasers and lighting systems can eliminate the time and less tattoos, this process is entirely dependent on the laser type, number of sessions and the patient's body. In the leasing of several treatment is necessary, even today. Perform this procedure under local anesthesia or none at all. It is used today more expensive methods.
Excision: the tattooed area is cut off your skin and the surrounding skin sutured together. This approach left a scar. Only a small tattoo or a small part of the tattoo can be removed once. Of a larger tattoo may require several treatments and skin graft. If it is from other parts of the body may need a large tattoo of the skin
Unicorn Love Tattoo

I'm sure this got plenty of good laughs for the first 48 hours, but it must have been all down hill from there...
What a dumb tattoo idea!
Arm Tattoos

If you want the ultimate tattoo designs, you may want to consider sleeve tattoos. These wrap around the whole arm, there are three kinds of lengths.
tribal full arm tattoos
Tribal Full Arm Tattoos can come in a variety of forms. The most popular type of tribal arm tattoos are those that contain symmetrical designs and those which are wrapped around the entire arm in the form of an arm band, for men and women. Although women may choose smaller and more intricate designs with additional small details to create a delicate line and design pattern through the tattoo and men choose additionally bold patterns, they are a great way to ensure that you are getting a tattoo that is popular, but can be customized to your personal style.
There are other types of tribal arm tattoos which are also popular and these include animals and symbols which can be created in one solid color through the use of bold patterns for men and delicate, smaller patterns for women. These types of tattoos are available in a variety of animals and can be matched well with other tattoos that are present on the body.